Having Project Not Include Non-Working Days in Lag Times?

Home Forums Discussion Forum Having Project Not Include Non-Working Days in Lag Times?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Achini.
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    • #377219

      Project 2010 recognizes that weekend’s aren’t work days. None the less, in the particular case of if I set an activity as lagging 14 days behind another one, I want it to include non-work days within that lagtime (as the deadline of 2 weeks includes work and non-work days). Is there any way to have MS Project recognize that lag time should include all days, not just work days?

    • #377229

      I’m new to MSProject, but I believe (in 2013 at least) you use Edays in the lag time instead of days (Edays refers to Elapsed Days and includes the days off)

      for 2 weeks you could put 14ed or 2ew

    • #377243
      Larry Christofaro

      Ken is corect, and available in any version (at least in this century…). The format is 1FS+14 ed (successor to task 1, FS, plus 14 elapsed days).

    • #377678


    • #415268

      Can we add elapsed hours in a similar way so that the lag time can be entered in elapsed hours?

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