Project 2010 and SharePoint 2010 Integration

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    • #5290

      Would love to know if you have deployed Project 2010 and SP 2010 with full integration for schedule and progress updates – if so how is it working out. Also would like to hear if you still distribute a file to your teams or just have them update online.

    • #7033

      Hi Ben,

      I’m employed to do this for organisations, the level of success depends entirely on how the organisation handles the curtural and technical changes required in order to implement this; most organisations underestimate the amount of training and hand-holding they will have to do.  Having said that, those that get it right reap immense benefits.

    • #7045
       Posted by Ben HowardHi Ben,I’m employed to do this for organisations, the level of success depends entirely on how the organisation handles the curtural and technical changes required in order to implement this; most organisations underestimate the amount of training and hand-holding they will have to do.  Having said that, those that get it right reap immense benefits.

      Hi Ben

      I’m currently working with a group that is struggling with the cultural changes required to move to a tool like server (Project + SharePoint).

      Do you have any tips on helping with that transition? I’m starting to feel a bit frustrated with the push-back…



    • #7046

      Well, every organisation is different.  You need to find out what is in it for me” for each role….

      Sometimes though you have to realise, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”.  in this case, you need a stick, and getting something written into objectives which are then managed via performance reviews normally does it…

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