Scheduling utilizing calendar days not work days?

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    • #5192

      Working with the military they communicate in calendar days not work days. I am attempting to set up a template to calculate milestones based on calendar days (7 day week) to help us create milestone schedules that match how they work.

      I created a template with the milestone tasks linked as FS + “x” days. I also set up a calendar day project calendar showing monday through sunday as working 8 – 5.

      When using this template and entering the project start it is calculations are short of the days if I just count them out on a calendar. For example, I have a milestone set up as FS+10 days from the predecessor. When I hand calculate the date the date showing in project has a duration that is only 8 days out instead of the 10 based on the link.

      Is there something different I need to be doing to get this to work properly without a bunch of short cuts? I need to roll this out to a group that has limited MSproject skills so I am trying to keep it as simple as possible but still have project do the calcuating.

    • #6893

      Jim, what you are doing should work if the project calendar is setup correctly.  You do have one other place to make sure that your calendar is working as expected that may affect some of the things you are doing, but your specific example should work.  To finish setting up calendar options, go to the Options/Schedule tab (2010) or Options/Calendar tab (2007) and make sure that the Hours per day, Hours per week, and Days per month are setup to coincide with your calendar.  But, that shouldn’t” affect your example.  If that doesn’t work and you don’t get other suggestions than feel free to send me your schedule and I can take a look (  Hope that helps…

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