Reply To: Master Project Resources

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I am having the same issue as discussed previously (but it doesn’t look as if it was resolved), and I’m hoping someone out there can provide some insight. This is for a “master schedule” which consists of embedded subprojects. All subprojects pull from the same resource pool. I created a separate project called “resources” which contains all the human resources. This is included as one of the rolled-up subprojects in the master schedule. When I click on “Assign Resources” at the embedded project’s summary level, it displays all the resources from the “master schedule”. When I scroll down to the very first task in that subproject, the “Assigned Resources” switches from the master schedule to the same embedded project it is a part of. Even when I go to”Resource Pool/Share Resources” and select the “Resource” project, the “Assig Resources” dialog box still shows the same embedded project that it is part of.

I would apprecaite any help – this seems pretty basic, but I cannot seem to meet my objective of pulling resources for every embeded project from one pool. Thank you very much.
