PMBOK 7th Edition

The PMI PMBOK 7th Edition was released 1 August 2021 and includes the standard terminology and guidelines for project management as set out by the Project Management Institute

The diagram shows the relationships between the eight project definition phase deliverables. The eight P's of project management are:
* Stakeholder
* Team
* Uncertainty
* Measurement
* Delivery
* Project Work
* Planning

These deliverables are all interrelated and interdependent. They are also iterative, meaning that they are constantly being updated and refined as the project progresses.

The project manager is responsible for ensuring that all of the project definition phase deliverables are completed and that they are of high quality. This is a critical phase of the project, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the project.

PMBOK7 Principles, Performance Domains, and Artifacts: How Do They Work Together?

Discover how the principles, performance domains, and artifacts of PMBOK7 work together in this comprehensive article.

This quote is about how to stay focused on your goals. It suggests that you should think of your goals as domains, and that you should focus on one domain at a time. This will help you to stay on track and to avoid getting sidetracked.

From Planning to Delivery: 8 Performance Domains in PMBOK – Seventh Edition

Project management is more than a set of processes. The PMBOK® Guide 7th ed. codifies 8 performance domains from planning to delivery.


Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 3 Transcription

Please find below a transcription of the audio portion of Jeff Bongiovani’s Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 3 being provided by MPUG for the convenience of our members. You may w...


Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 3

Event Description: The next generation of the PMBOK® Guide presents a major breaking point with legacy options. Where the previous versions were primarily process-prescriptive, this edition provides a...

PMP Training

Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 2 Transcription

Please find below a transcription of the audio portion of Jeff Bongiovani’s webinar, Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 2, being provided by MPUG for the convenience of our members....

Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 2

Event Description:The next generation of the PMBOK® Guide presents a major breaking point with legacy options. Where the previous versions were primarily process-prescriptive, this edition provides a ...


How to Download PMBOK Guide 7th Edition

Did you know that if you are a PMI member, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)® Guide Seventh Edition in PDF format is available to download for FREE? You can get it by logging on to the ...

Project Communication

Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 1 Transcription

Please find below a transcription of the audio portion of Jeff Bongiovani’s webinar, Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 1, being provided by MPUG for the convenience of our members....

Overview of the PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – Lesson 1

In this first session we will cover how the seventh edition captures both legacy and emergent practices within the realm of project management. We will explore the changes between previous versions of...

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